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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
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Outline of Research Paper

Outline of Research Paper

Q JHRA, Spring 2022-Research paper-Outline You should put your research information into the spaces containing italics. Please fill in as much information as possible for your research paper outline. The more you complete, the more feedback I can give you for the final paper. I. Introduction-describe what the paper includes: (1 page) [10 points] A) Introductory statement about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights B) Introductory statement about the violation of human rights—the topic. C) Which violations of the UDHR are violated II. Detailed discussion of violation of HR: (3-4 pages) [35 points] A) who / what/ why /when /where/ how? B) Include any social, political, religious, economic, or historical factors that may have contributed to the violation of human rights. III. Which section of the Declaration of Human Rights does it violate? (2-3 pages) [25 points] • Specifically explain how the HR is violated with your topic. A) Article#1 B) Article #2 C) Article #3 (optional) IV. Conclusion (1-2 pages) [10 points] A) Restate the HR issue, B) Summarize your research on the topic C) Incorporate social policy solutions (this should be gathered from your research on the violation of human right(s)) V. References- you are required to use 3 academic journal articles and at least 3 other sources for a minimum of 6 resources. You must use APA format for citations in the paper. [20 points] A) Academic journal article #1 B) Academic journal article #2 C) Academic journal article #3 D) Other resource #1 E) Other resource #2 F) Other resource #3

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I. Introduction A. Possibly the most well-known example of genocide in human history B. The Holocaust ended with the cold blooded murder of over six million Jews (Cesarani, 2022) C. It serves as a warning of what might happen if marginalized groups are not granted the rights and protection they deserve (“There are Ten Stages of Genocide - Here's How You'll Notice Them”, 2022) II. Detailed discussion of topic A. Who / what/ why /when /where/ how? a. It began during World War Two, after the Nazi German regime and its allies took control of Poland in 1939 (Cesarani, 2022) b. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party condemned Jews to death and killed them en masse using Einsatzgruppen death squads (Cesarani, 2022)